Tuesday 14 November 2023

Russkiy Mir - "Russian World" View

  Russkiy Mir is both a global strategy and the codification of this strategy into a new religion. Russian propaganda has been leading its people to embrace this concept internally for the last 20 years. Vatniks may be thought of as unquestioned adherents to this doctrine.



The idea of the "Russian world" was adopted by the Russian administration, and Vladimir Putin decreed the establishment of the government-sponsored Russkiy Mir Foundation in 2007. A number of observers consider the promotion of the "Russian world" concept an element of the revanchist idea of the restoration of Russia or its influence back to the borders of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire.[14][15][16]

Russkiy Mir is an ideology promoted by many in the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.[23] Patriarch Kirill of Moscow also shares this ideology; for the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russkiy Mir is also "a spiritual concept, a reminder that through the baptism of Rus', God consecrated these people to the task of building a Holy Rus."[24]

This is an early draft of research notes, and not to be considered a completed concept

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_world  wikipedia Reliability ***

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