Monday 30 October 2023

Hamas Influence Operation - Case Study

 John Hultquist, chief analyst for Mandiant Intelligence at Google Cloud, said that so far, no "coordinated cyber activity" has been identified, but attacks are expected to increase over time as the situation continues. He called out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) activity as a possible precursor to other types of political activity, naming Anonymous Sudan in particular as being active.

Information operations have twin definitions: They can refer to the collection of tactical information about an adversary, and/or the spread of propaganda in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.

On the latter front, Hultquist said two notable information operations campaigns have been identified so far. 

  • amplifying the stance that the initial attack on Oct. 7 was a failing by the Israeli government, which didn't seem to be aware of the incoming attacks.
  • Claim that Israel was humiliated by a small force, and that this exposed the weakness of one of the most advanced military superpowers, and that Israeli soldiers are now afraid of Hamas  
  • Iran, which he said is "promoting narratives related to the crisis." In particular, this has involved Iranian posing as Egyptians to stir up historical hostilities in influence campaigns
  • In previous influence instances, groups have leveraged networks of inauthentic news sites and clusters of associated accounts across multiple social media platforms to promote political narratives in line with Iranian interests, including anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian themes.

A religious hacktivist group known as Anonymous Sudan has claimed responsibility for the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that took down the personal website of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the hijacking of his Facebook account.

What to expect next

e also said that he expects to see activity designed to look like financially motivated cybercrime, including extortion-based ransomware deployments where no money is collected, just a threat is made around data exfiltration and leaking.

 10/13   Darkreading

What is an Information Operation


An Information Operation is a deliberate misinformation campaign, usually tied to, or a component of  a military operation.

 It could be in support of a single battle, a series of battles toward a common direction, or a longer term temporary strategy. 

An Information Operation could be 

  • an attack,
  • a response to an information Operation done by the enemy 
  • a series of sequential Information operations in support of a larger campaign.

Tactics could be:

  • Misdirection
  • Deception
  • Create confusion
  • Insite unplanned and unsound tactical reaction from the enemy
  • Create clarity for your forces by Countering Misinformation of other
objectives could be:
  • winning hearts and minds of  civilians impact3ed by the miliary action
  • undermining enemies winning hearts and minds of civilians impacted by the miliary action
  • Undermine an enemy's support by a enemy
  • undermine enemy morale
  • reinforce own troops morale
It's targets could be:
  • soldiers
  • civilians
  • supporters
  • Funders
  • governments
  • general culture mass media
Almost none of the business community is engaged in Information Operations, left to the government, although the business community is routinely a victim of disinformation campaigns[ . One aspect of disinformation operations is the very tangible outcome of losing market share or market space denial Hence, Information Operations cascades throughout the social fabric of the state, business nd society If applied as an offensive response to adversaries.

It warrants a more in-depth examination of the impacts of Information Operations in support of economic warfare.


Countering an Information or Influence Operation

  1. Understands how it is planned and executed\
  2. Thge Roll of AI and Future IOs
  3. See the patterns, and tactics
  4. Learn how to recognize the players
  5. Set up Defensive systems
    1. Passive'
    2. Active

Wednesday 25 October 2023

DeepFake Videos



The term deepfake is typically used to refer to a video that has been edited using an algorithm to replace the person in the original video with someone else (especially a public figure) in a way that makes the video look authentic.

DeepFake services

What is DeepFake Video?:  PC Magazine


DeepFake Video and Troll Farms  ZDNET

Deepfakes and the elections NPR

Monday 23 October 2023

Information Operations or Influence Operations 3.0

Tactics List

 Algorythm Gaming

  • Driving specific content via algorithmic understanding (e.g., search engine optimization or hashtag manipulation)

Bots for astroturfing

  • Using large numbers of inauthentic (fake) accounts (bots) to create the appearance of a broad consensus on a topic


  • Paid promotional content to support a cause or actor

Cheapfakes and recontextualized media

  • a Supporting a campaign either with simple edits or by repurposing media (usually, images)4
Memes and meme wars
  • Use of easily shared “units of culture” (often, a slogan incorporated into an image) to promote a cause or actor
  • Infographics that appear professional and authoritative but are inaccurate or misinforming

Troll Farms



1. An information Operation:

The Narrative

  • has an element of truth to it
  • they can twist that truth or 
  • add to that truth layers of untruth, and then when they can take that and 
  • insert it into credible discussions that then move their way into the mainstream.
Examples you may recognize

Organ Harvesting
  • the narrative: Ukrainians are harvesting Children's organs to sell
  • the truth: Russians have sent hundreds of thousands of children from occupied territory to "day camps" is Russia to retrain them to be Russians instead of Ukrainians
Baptist Hospitals in Gaza
  • the narrative: Israel dropped a 500 Pound Bomb on the Hospital killing 500-1000 people
  • the truth:  A missile being fired from nearby by a terrorist ally of Hamas aimed at Israel's misfired and landed on the building in Gaza 100-200 people killed
Baptist Hospitals in Gaza
  • the narrative: 
  • the truth: 
    • Confusion
      • Muddling
      • Counter Narrative

    • Retaliation
    • Attacking
    • Responding to an attack
      • Contextual

  • Structure
    • objective

  •  Tactics
      • Muddling
      • C


    • Discarding exposed bots, Vatniks, Useful Idiots
    • Buildings new Bots, Vatniks, aimed at your client needs

    It is likely that media, text and sound content on the internet today are already training AI troll farm bots to offer tailored content to  the whole US. 



     Astroturfing is defined by the as “attempt[ing] to create the false perception of grassroots support for an issue by concealing [actor] identities and using other deceptive practices, like hiding the origins of information being disseminated or artificially inflating engagement metrics” 

     Ultimately, the risk is that next-generation astroturfing could pose a direct challenge to democratic societies, if malign actors are able to covertly shape users’ shared understanding of the domestic political conversation and thus subvert the democratic process.

    Technology and Social Change Project at (Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center for Media, Politics, and Public Policy, 2022,)

     Note that the only source for this divisive Image was sited as "Screen Grab"

     here is the real original story when it opened, as far as I can find:
    • it vegan coffee shop
    • It was an optional charge one week a month to make a point
    • There were 3 Rules:
      • women get priority seating
      • 18% sir charge for men
      • Respect goes both ways
    • it did eventually go out of business  2 years later
    • Note that the "Screen Grab" deleted the mutual respect rule on the board 
    Doppelganger Project (Pekka)

    A Russian Funded group in Europe that designs and carries out sophisticated astroturf operations
    • Hiring local actors
    • Short protest Scripts in front of key landmarks for video 
    • prepared in advance
    • launched all at once

    AI Can Already Be a Troll Farm

     AI Can Already Be a Troll Farm; at the very least we can expect AI to take over most of the labor intensive troll farm's  work

    A Study by Rand Corporation   from 2023 suggests that there would be upfront cotsts, but 3.0 Troll farms would scale more cheaply and be harder to detect than earlier troll Farms

     according to the Study, Bots like CPTChat can generate tweets like this:


    “write 5 tweets from NASCAR fans, using Southern American English (SAE), talking about their favorite race car drivers,” might produce something like:

    “Can’t wait to see my boy Kyle Bush tearing up the asphalt at Bristol Motor Speedway. He’s a true legend #RowdyNation.”

    The systems would need fine tuning by an AI instructor before an information operation ( or Influence Operation)

    They can generate Imagery and video.

    They expect new Malign Tactics to emerge from an AI Bot Farm

    There is evidence that Russia has already used AI for Social manipulation

    Astroturfing is defined by the Technology and Social Change Project at Harvard as “attempt[ing] to create the false perception of grassroots support for an issue by concealing [actor] identities and using other deceptive practices, like hiding the origins of information being disseminated or artificially inflating engagement metrics” 

    The Curious Case of Windifferent

    1.  I worked for a company that was developing sensitive technology, and a key executive kept getting phishing emails from various sources traced back to Windifferent com


    Information Technology and Services, 350 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, United States, 1-10 Employees

    Paul Antolin

    Paul Antolin

    Chief Executive Officer and Cofounder

    Ben Rodriguez

    Director of Business Development

    their services include:

    100 milion contacts for sale

    10 Billion monthly Go signals

    Web caller ID for Anonymous  visitors

    'Event Tracking data platforms set up in minutes

    Outbound sales and lead scoring

    chatbots for sales and website support

    Demand side Platform (DSP) for bidding on target audiences for on line adds

    AI models designed to write blog content for you

    AI digital Campaigns {uses troll farms?}

    AI prospect emails chats posts to social media. 

    Friday 20 October 2023

    Research Project Conclusions


    1. Troll Farms are a subset of the Information Space
    2. Troll Farms are diverse in their objectives, their Resources, and  how they work with their trolls.
    3. It is natural next step response to social media 1.0
    4. Good guys and bad guys use troll Farms
    5. Troll Farms  can be businesses
    6. Troll Farms are sometimes offered as services by Data and Tech firms
    7. They use a growing set of  common tools, tactics, and they learn from each other
    8. They work like cockroaches - when the light is turned on and they are exposed their effectiveness is GREATLY diminished
    9. How do you distinguish between ethical troll Farms (like Fan clubs with vast memberships and social media presence) and unethical troll farms ( state owned )

    All of these activities, including troll farm types, all the players, paid and unpaid, useful idiots who don't even know they are being used, the countries, the governments, the good guys the bad guys - thinking about them alone is to too small to grasp this phenomenon.

    •  I guess I'm saying hunting trolls is Fun, but understanding who hires and or operates troll armies, and why  they do it is more important in 2024
    Level II Synthesis of research
    1. Information and Influence Operations have grown to become sophisticated tools and have been in operation for almost 20 years, but momentum since Covid is 5-10X what is was in the beginning'
    2. Totalitarian Countries have a century or more of developing and funding techniques that they simply moved into the current age-so they are miles ahead of Liberal Democracies
    3. Trolls, Troll farms are already evolving into 3.0, which have begun to integrate AI.
    4. They are diverse- some look look factories, some look like clubs, some look like oneline groups. From the outsider looking ibn it looks impossible to whether they trolls are Paid or unpaid due to informal funding methods
    5. Some are ideologically driven, some are post-moral funding driven,
    6. They often work hand in hand with Cyber operations
    7. Military and political strategy tools may be useful in developing counter-operators solutions
    Level III Synthesis of research

    SWOT for Information Operations
    • Effective and persuasive right now
    • Low dollar cost

    Ideas toward a Solution:

    1. Define what is an Ethical information operating Group

    1. A set of  Industry ethics and guidelines including labeling and

    Information Operations , Influence Operations, and Troll Farms


    Today, not tomorrow, we live in a world were every information exchange may be weaponized to persuade or take advantage of us. We need to update the personal rules we use to evaluate what we choose to see, hear, and consider. We are under deliberate assault by carefully built information campaigns designed by skilled operators intended to influence us and and in some cases manipulate us.

    Understanding how these operations work will help us defend ourselves from deception and unconscious influence by Bad Actors.

    Toward that end, we need to understand Propaganda, what information and influence operations are, what troll farms are, and some common tactics they use to persuade or manipulate us.  The next step is to simplify into some Critical thinking Guidelines Guidelines to use when we chose to interact with information.

    Understanding Propaganda

    White, gray and Black Propaganda

    White is what we call public relations -Gray is sneaky persuasion that tries to hide its purpose. Black is deliberate deception-lies - as part of warfare, in dishonest political campaigns, by state actors- Russia is the author and perfector, the industry leader in this area.

    White Propaganda is  most public relations/publicity activities, involves communicating a message from a known source. For instance, when a PR person places a news story about the local bank’s $100,000 donation to the local hospital in the local newspaper, both the hospital and the bank are clearly identified in the news story, and it is certainly implied—if not stated directly—that this story ensued because both the hospital and the bank want to be seen in a certain way by the community and that they will benefit from this perception.

     Gray propaganda is the communication from an unattributed or hidden source. That is, the messenger may be known, but the true source of the message is not. From a foreign policy viewpoint, gray propaganda would be placing news stories in an enemy country’s news outlets instead of buying ads to directly appeal to the enemy’s people. The message coming through the news media appears to be neutral, thus believable, whereas the direct appeal from an enemy is unbelievable.

    Black propaganda goes beyond hiding the identity of the source of the message to falsely attributing it to a different entity, such as attributing an inflammatory message to a hostile source in order to stir up hate against the source, or cause it to lose credibility, or goad it into doing something of benefit to the propagandist. Black propaganda inevitably involves lying and dishonesty.

    Troll Farms are entities that Carry  Propaganda Activities, 

    Understanding Troll Farms

    What is a Troll Farm

    A Troll Farm is a network running social media accounts and websites that coordinate their effort for some specific objective, or sometimes just for money. Troll Farm Activities can be involved in White, Gray, or Black propaganda Activities. Illicit troll Farms can be involved in criminal activity including scams and fraud. They are engaged by all sides during elections. Recognized and unrecognized Governments use them in Hybrid warfare during war 

    A troll Farm can be people or AI or a combination of Both. They can be volunteer or  professional or a combination of both. They can be in one location or many.  They can be ad hoc network or permanent entity, or  change from one to another. 

    Troll Farms may or may not work in concert with cyber organizations. Cyber operations are about getting access to, stealing or manipulating data sets (Hacking), or protecting them (Security).  Modern Hybrid Warefare  is a fusion of conventional and unconventional military and tools of subversion.  in a synchronized way to exploit the vulnerabilities of an enemy.

    Troll Farms are expanding in structure and purpose.  Many think tanks, non profits and professional influencing organizations have built or are building their own internal troll farms, or are outsourcing  troll farm functions. 

    Russia probably started the first troll farms when the took their long established propaganda entities into the digital age, and in 2018 a Harvard Study identified 140 Troll Farms spread around the world.

    Understanding Information Operations

    Information Operations (RAND)

    The  collection of tactical information about an adversary as well as the dissemination of propaganda in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.

    Critical Thinking Guidelines

    Troll Farm Examples

    Understanding Information Operations

    Here is a incomplete dynamic list of entities identified by various groups  as engaging in troll farm-like behavior, as of the date of this article

    Disclaimer: All this information is a moving Target: Troll Farms are closed down, re-opened, repurposed, and their skill set changes frequently. Some are for sale to any one willing to pay and have no information ethics  standards, or  goals other than financial gain. 

    a Troll is a derogatory term first used to identify social media accounts that "troll" other accounts to produce emotion, and/or outrage today, accounts that do that are sometimes called Rage Farmers today.

    A Troll Farm is a network of  people running social media accounts that coordinate their effort to some specific objective, or sometimes just for money.

    They are most effective when non one knows they exist, and tend to shut down, scatter or go quiet when they are exposed.

    I can't find my originals source ( apologies) but the University of Moscow recently shut down their t

    Internet Research Agency  became    was cerated by Pregozian at Putin's direction to influence US Electtions. IT has been active ever since, and has been handed off alagedely to another Russian Oligarc

     Volodin's Prism


    The Philippines has been called "patient zero in the global disinformation epidemic."[22] Studies into the country's troll farms found that political campaigns pay trolls $1,000 to $2,000 per month to create multiple fake social media accounts to post political propaganda and attack critics.[22][23] The political campaign of President Rodrigo Duterte has spent $200,000 to hire online trolls, according to one study.[24] Duterte admitted to hiring trolls for his 2016 political campaign.[25][26]

    Since then, trolling behaviour supportive of Duterte has been traced back to taxpayer-funded government institutions.

    Finnish investigative journalist Jessikka Aro interviewed workers at a “troll factory” in Saint Petersburg. Aro was harassed online after she published her story.[8] A court in Helsinki convicted three persons who had harassed Aro on charges of defamation and negligence.[9]


    Iran - Albania

    In February 2020, the New York Times interviewed 10 ex-People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) members who said that the MEK's Albania camp had a troll farm that promoted the opinions of MEK supporters, including Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton, and attacked the Iranian government. The MEK claimed that the former members were Iranian government spies.[3]

    In the March 2021 CIB (Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior) report, Facebook announced that it removed hundreds of accounts, pages and groups in both Facebook and Instagram which were in a troll farm in Albania, operated by MEK.[4]

    50 Cent Party

    "50 Cent Party" is a term used for online users who have been hired by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to manipulate public opinion and disseminate disinformation to the benefit of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    BJP Party - India

    India's ruling party BJP has a large number of online supporters who support its agenda and attack political rivals. Their methods were recorded by investigative journalist Swati Chaturvedi, who described them as a "digital army" in her book on the subject, I Am a Troll: Inside the Secret World of the BJP's Digital Army.[11]

    Sandinista Liberation Front -Nicaragua

    In November 2021, Facebook reported that it closed accounts, groups and pages in Facebook and Instagram linked to a troll farm operated by the Sandinista National Liberation Front, the ruling party in Nicaragua.[14]

     Turning Point USA

    A conservative alleged  political Farm in Arizona, usa on some lists- it appears this group is a a conservative values NGO group- i see no evidence that it is a troll farm - possible link to 

    AK Trolls

    Developed and Used by Turkish Tayyip Erdo  to win election in 2014- mostly state sponsored Propaganda


    What Are Troll Farms 

    Hybrid Warfare

    Combining kinetic  Information, Influence and Cyberspace operations in time of war. The 2022 Rusian Invasion of Ukraine

    Information Operations (RAND)

    The  collection of tactical information about an adversary as well as the dissemination of propaganda in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.

    Influence Operations (RAND)

    Influence operations are the coordinated, integrated, and synchronized application of national diplomatic, informational, military, economic, and other capabilities in peacetime, crisis, conflict, and post conflict to foster attitudes, behaviors, or decisions by foreign target audiences that further U.S. interests and objectives.

    CyberSpace Operations : Military

    Actions in or through cyberspace intended to preserve friendly freedom of action in cyberspace and/or to create effects to achieve commanders’ objectives.

    Cyberspace  attacks in war are often conducted by military organizations, such as cyber commands. They these are often, but not exclusively, targeted against opponents’ military infrastructures such as headquarters, command and control, and weapon systems. Cyber attacks in war are often counter-force attacks and stand in contrast to the use of strategic cyber attacks in peacetime.


    Trolling is a numbers game. In Pruszkiewicz’s case, she found that a small team of a dozen or so people could command at least 70 accounts on Facebook, 94 on Twitter, 11 on Instagram, and three on YouTube. Collectively, these can create 10,000 posts defending a client or attacking their rivals, potentially reaching 15 million views. 

    Interview, NewOrkTimes 2018 interview of Troll Farm Manager Pryuszkiewicz

    Terms used by Trolls and Troll Hunters

     Most current list from Wikipedia

    From Anonymous Coward : Troll Farms as Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

     I found this comment from someone  who named themselves  "Anonymous coward" looks like a troll farm recruiting add


    Troll farms use standard SEO to drive traffic

    One method is providing back-links. Comments is another tool. Old-school forum spam techniques are often used: flame and flood.

    Causing political instability is probably the main goal. LGBT/trans topic has been surprisingly effective to divide Americans. Example: YT channel TFP Student Action ( has a definite flame narrative. I bet, a lot of comments and likes are fake.

    Comment flood is used to do dilute informative or political comments with noise. Example: a Balarus government site, with top comments filled with short templated condolences:

    Then fake likes are used to push the comments up. Not only bots are active, but also work-from-home accounts. This is a form of SEO jobs employment.

    Prigozhin was a boss of famous troll farms. One recent way to spot Russian-sponsored media is to look at 1-2 days right after Prigozhin's death just to see zero posts related to his death. It is because the media follow strict instructions ("методички"). His death was extremely news-worthy, but a taboo to discuss there. One such Russian channel:

    Back-links from, or Russian news sites is a shortcut to spot channels resonating with political instability goals of the campaigns. Those channels are: (mentioned above)

    An innovative form of money laundering can be employed for channel owners, assuming some of them may be recruited by foreign intelligence. Even if the sites are not paid directly by the adversary, it is sufficient to be paid indirectly through YouTube ads, while getting sponsored by the adversary fake comments, likes, and back-links, therefore traffic to the channel.

    TechLead has posted a great video "The TRUTH is a psyop... faking outrage and virtue for money." :


    I make no claim except this requires investigation- comment seems have been made about August 2023


    8/23 Chinese Troll Farm Assaulted pro-Democracy and Covid  sites in Hong Kong :

    8/23 China Trolls are not as skilled as Russian Trolls, but are learning - The Register

    Thursday 19 October 2023

    Bait and Switch

     Troll Tactic:  Bait and Switch

    In this tactic, Trolls  or troll bots will:

    •  Machinegun a popular Hashtag with reliable reposts every minute or 2 from people with real timely information
    • This crowds out the real posters so you can't read anyone but the troll
    • Vatniks or people really interested in the topic come to trust the the troll as a source.
    • A little at at time, they will begin to spin the truth reflecting their client's talking points. (in the case below, the Russian Propaganda Directorate)  
    • The troll may linger as a trusted source to real people for months, or for useful idiots, for years.
    • It may even change their mind.

    Case Study: Bakmut

    I was really impressed by the sophistication of this when I was tracking a battle in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I tracked #Bamut, the city where a big campaign happened for a long time, and there were frequent posts to that hashtag with good information. Hundreds per day, and I checked it frequently ( at least daily)

    • I began to see the same poster over and over again posting reliable (at first) information 
    • I validated it elsewhere, and it was true. They even celebrated Ukraine victories. 
    • In the heat of battles, I noticed reposts every 3-5 minutes by the same poster.
    • When it began to go bad for the Russians, this poster began to speculate and then site sources  saying that the Ukraine counter offensive had failed - a clear Russian Troll Farm talking point at the time.
    • I checked the sources they sited, and they were bots, trolls, or useful idiots who had reposted a bad source. 
    • I finally blocked them,  and was able to see real  information back at the hashtag again-but I had initially let my guard down.

    Bait and Switch is an effective mi-information tactic that I hear is a direct import the Russians have perfected on their own people over many years.

    Troll Hunting Resources

    •  This page is a growing list of people who are also studying digital manipulation.
    •  Each have their own agenda and reason for doing this work, 
    • If they are listed here  I find their work Useful.
    • I cannot vouch for their ongoing authenticity, reliability or accuracy - after all we are hunting trolls, and sometimes trolls pose as troll hunters. 

    an active page with a great and growing list of Troll Farm related Terms

    The #NAFO Movement 

    This is an X (Twitter ) a global online community that has been running 24 hours a day since the first shot of the Russian invasions of Ukraine- I found real Experts, military of all branches and countries, non-profits, journalists, statisticians, Intelligence analysts,  government lobbyists, Film makers, PHD political and historical experts, mostly reliable, teaching a community that includes people like me how to gather, listen to and analyze the information we were getting about the war. I know that community also includes frustrated trolls, since I hear them speak up frequently.

    The work of  Pekka Kallioniemi  a university Professor from Finland who has studied media manipulation and propaganda, and has a funny and educational set of media including videos. I am shamelessly stealing some of his terms and concepts - His utube channel is great- vatniksoup


    1. Basic computer programming Semi-automated bots that post human-generated, nontailored content 
    2. Early machine learning Low-quality manipulated videos; limited computer-generated content with limited scale; some distribution by procedural bots 
    3. Generative AI High-quality tailored fake text and images at scale; advanced, dynamic, automated distribution and coordination

    Technology and Social Change Project  (Harvard Business School )Ended in 2023, but here are their Archives

    MIT Tech Review article 2020 - they found 5 troll Farms- FB took down 2 of them after the article

    MIT Technology Review is a bimonthly magazine wholly owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and editorially independent of the university. It was founded in 1899 as The Technology Review, and was re-launched without "The" in its name on April 23, 1998, under then publisher R. Bruce Journey. In September 2005, it was changed, under its then editor-in-chief and publisher, Jason Pontin, ... Wikipedia

    y= was controlled by Troll Farms in 2019-check today to see if they still are
    1Be Happy Enjoy LifeY
    2Jesus is my LordY
    3You CanY
    4Speak LoudlyY
    5Purpose of LifeY
    6Positive QuotesY
    7Memories of a loved oneY
    8Smile & ShineY
    9Light of the WorldY
    10Why Not Us?Y
    11Happiness Is In Your MindY
    12My LifeY
    13Life is BeautifulY
    15Conscious ReminderY

     Report on Chinese Deepfake Videos  via MIT Tech Review

    a great History of Trolling and How it became a business Model.

    Media Bias raters