Monday 23 October 2023

Troll Farms



1. An information Operation:

The Narrative

  • has an element of truth to it
  • they can twist that truth or 
  • add to that truth layers of untruth, and then when they can take that and 
  • insert it into credible discussions that then move their way into the mainstream.
Examples you may recognize

Organ Harvesting
  • the narrative: Ukrainians are harvesting Children's organs to sell
  • the truth: Russians have sent hundreds of thousands of children from occupied territory to "day camps" is Russia to retrain them to be Russians instead of Ukrainians
Baptist Hospitals in Gaza
  • the narrative: Israel dropped a 500 Pound Bomb on the Hospital killing 500-1000 people
  • the truth:  A missile being fired from nearby by a terrorist ally of Hamas aimed at Israel's misfired and landed on the building in Gaza 100-200 people killed
Baptist Hospitals in Gaza
  • the narrative: 
  • the truth: 
    • Confusion
      • Muddling
      • Counter Narrative

    • Retaliation
    • Attacking
    • Responding to an attack
      • Contextual

  • Structure
    • objective

  •  Tactics
      • Muddling
      • C


    • Discarding exposed bots, Vatniks, Useful Idiots
    • Buildings new Bots, Vatniks, aimed at your client needs

    It is likely that media, text and sound content on the internet today are already training AI troll farm bots to offer tailored content to  the whole US. 


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