Monday 30 October 2023

What is an Information Operation


An Information Operation is a deliberate misinformation campaign, usually tied to, or a component of  a military operation.

 It could be in support of a single battle, a series of battles toward a common direction, or a longer term temporary strategy. 

An Information Operation could be 

  • an attack,
  • a response to an information Operation done by the enemy 
  • a series of sequential Information operations in support of a larger campaign.

Tactics could be:

  • Misdirection
  • Deception
  • Create confusion
  • Insite unplanned and unsound tactical reaction from the enemy
  • Create clarity for your forces by Countering Misinformation of other
objectives could be:
  • winning hearts and minds of  civilians impact3ed by the miliary action
  • undermining enemies winning hearts and minds of civilians impacted by the miliary action
  • Undermine an enemy's support by a enemy
  • undermine enemy morale
  • reinforce own troops morale
It's targets could be:
  • soldiers
  • civilians
  • supporters
  • Funders
  • governments
  • general culture mass media
Almost none of the business community is engaged in Information Operations, left to the government, although the business community is routinely a victim of disinformation campaigns[ . One aspect of disinformation operations is the very tangible outcome of losing market share or market space denial Hence, Information Operations cascades throughout the social fabric of the state, business nd society If applied as an offensive response to adversaries.

It warrants a more in-depth examination of the impacts of Information Operations in support of economic warfare.


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